Rainbow Generation has successfully trained nine ECD facilitators, who have given remedial therapy to 540 children over a period of three years.
During the past seven years we have trained 480 facilitators, not only to grasp their own life purpose but also to teach approximately 12 800 learners every year.
Every year hundreds of testimonial letters with heart-warming stories pour into our offices.
We monitor our Remedial Therapy programs by assessing the children before commencing the program, six months into the program and after a year on the program.
We also have a control group each year who go through the same assessment, but are not on the program. These results are available for perusal.
Our dream is to, together with our partners, reach 500 000 pre-school children by 2030.
Francesca, Primary school Facilitator
This program changed my life. I now understand my own purpose and is living my dream. I always wanted to work with children. Now I see these children's lives change because of Rainbow Generation's input.
Mr Swartz, Principle
Since the initiating of this program in my school, I could see the values system change. The children started respecting the teachers and themselves. I would recommend all schools to take on this valuable program.
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